giovedì 3 luglio 2014

Tao Paradoxico-Philosophicus 26-29

    Un dieu donne le feu     
     Pour faire l'enfer;      
      Un diable, le miel     
       Pour faire le ciel.  


26 Propositions and interactions: while playing language-games, paradoxical observers treat propositions (including this one) and sets of propositions (books, texts, etc.) as paradoxical contexts for interactions, considering all possibilities..
26.1 These observers think and converse about tentative objects and events, tentative ethics, tentative aesthetics, tentative beliefs, etc., thereby offering propositions as paradoxical contexts for interactions, as if the world (tentative realities) beheld the observer of the world.
26.11 These observers neither adopt a language nor theorize.
26.12 This leads to knowledge inspired by paradoxical and logical reasoning, to meaning, to uncertainty and to philosophical understanding, to comprehension and to skepticism about logical reasoning alone.
26.2 For these observers any proposition must contemplate its counter-proposition so that proposition and counter-proposition blend into a paradoxical context where the observers make tentative distinctions.
26.21 The same applies to books, texts, etc.

27 Delusions: consider a belief that contradicts an accepted classification of beliefs into true or false.
27.01 Delusions do not affect paradoxical observers since they ponder and contemplate beliefs as true and false.
27.02 Delusions, however, affect logical observers since they only explain and communicate, do not ponder and consider beliefs as true or false.
27.021 Consequently, other observers (or themselves) may easily delude them, singly or collectively.
27.1 For example, the delusion of different observers sharing the same thoughts affects only logical observers who also suffer from similar delusions: that they can share their beliefs, dreams, imaginations, etc., as well as the same truth, the same religion, the same god, etc.
27.11 These delusions, harmless in the mind of one individual, can reach pandemic proportions when, stimulated by hierarchies, they invade the minds of many observers.
27.2 Deprived of an education, humans seek refuge in religion and/or rule following to avoid despair; thus they loose their diversity of interactions.
27.21 And societies replace their dynamic stabilities and instabilities with static stabilities without a future.

28 Humans in society: consider multi-cellular organisms such as ants or bees that ensnare the living cells that compose them; anthills and beehives, as new living organisms, trap the ants and bees that constitute them.
28.01 So it happens with the population of humans in society who increasingly serves the goals of entities made of ensnared, predictable and expendable humans.
28.02 These humans do not notice these changes.
28.1 Most, if not all, past and present societies of humans have used hierarchies, religion and all kinds of persuasion to keep their populations in check, thus reducing or suppressing thinking altogether, and fostering rule following.
28.11 This approach will lead, without doubt, to a new living organism that will ensnare everyone, including those who have proposed and support it.
28.12 As every living organism, the new organism will also encounter death in one way or another (including suicide) carrying everyone along.
28.3 Aware that hierarchies take away their humanity and also their lives, young minds must, with courage and caution, reject, and by all available means, prevent or dismantle hierarchical societies, corporations and institutions, beginning with those based on accumulated wealth.
28.31 This they can achieve by encouraging humans to think and converse, to change from rule followers to rule pondering observers.

29 Thinking and conversing: what observers may not explain or communicate, they may think and converse, e.g., they may:
1 Postulate nothing: no observer, no distinction (e.g., object, event), not even dimensions (e.g., space, time) ...

Tractatus Paradoxico-Philosophicus

A Philosophical Approach to Education
Un Acercamiento Filosófico a la Educación
Une Approche Philosophique à l'Education
Eine Philosophische Annäherung an Bildung

Ricardo B. Uribe

Copyright © by a collaborating group of people including the author, editing consultants, translators, and printers. All rights reserved.

Tao Paradoxico-Philosophicus 23-25

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