lunedì 26 agosto 2013

tempo meta-Tao

La successiva metastruttura discussa da Tyler Volk e Jeff Bloom è il  tempo, e per estensione i calendari, struttura fisica e psicologica primaria - insieme allo spazio - che indica movimento, memoria, enumerazione, progressione, sequenzialità e dinamica di eventi e processi:

Time can be considered a binary of movement and memory and can be observed by connecting several spaces. Time can be seen as an arrow or cycle. Time also is evident as counting, progression, and sequences.


  • In science: biological clocks, animal behavior, velocity, acceleration, time-space phenomena, etc.
  • In architecture and design: how time is defined and related to in particular contexts; at Arcosanti (an environmentally situated desert city in Arizona) all buildings are multiuse in order to minimize building use down-time; etc.
  • In art: in drama, music, dance, and other performance arts time is the fundamental organizing pattern, as well as fundamental to the perceptual experience; etc.
  • In social sciences: calendars, clocks, history, sequences and stages in development, etc.
  • In other senses: time to kill; wasting time; time management; timeliness;


The Pattern Underground

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