giovedì 11 aprile 2013

oloni meta-Tao

La successiva metastruttura discussa da Tyler Volk e Jeff Bloom sono gli oloni, un termine introdotto da Arthur Koestler in The Ghost in the Machine del 1967, e successivamente in Janus: A Summing Up del 1978. Nella definizione originaria di Koestler:
1. The holon

1.1 The organism in its structural aspect is not an aggregation of elementary parts, and in its functional aspects not a chain of elementary units of behaviour.
1.2 The organism is to be regarded as a multi-levelled hierarchy of semi-autonomous sub-wholes, branching into sub-wholes of a lower order, and so on. Sub-wholes on any level of the hierarchy are referred to as holons.
1.3 Parts and wholes in an absolute sense do not exist in the domains of life. The concept of the holon is intended to reconcile the atomistic and holistic approaches.
1.4 Biological holons are self-regulating open systems which display both the autonomous properties of wholes and the dependent properties of parts. This dichotomy is present on every level of every type of hierarchic organization, and is referred to as the "Janus phenomenon".
1.5 More generally, the term "holon" may be applied to any stable biological or social sub-whole which displays rule-governed behaviour and/or structural Gestalt-constancy. Thus organelles and homologous organs are evolutionary holons; morphogenetic fields are ontogenetic holons; the ethologist's "fixed action-patterns" and the sub-routines of acquired skills are behavioural holons; phonemes, morphemes, words, phrases are linguistic holons; individuals, families, tribes, nations are social holons.
Gli oloni sono quindi - come i clononi - parti intrinseche, composte da altri sottosistemi - in generali altri oloni -,  di una olarchia di un sistema complesso, contemporaneamente parti (componenti) e tutto (livelli) del sistema. Si distinguono dai clononi in quanto funzionalmente e strutturalmente distinguibili tra loro. L'esempio tipico sono gli atomi dei diversi elementi, oloni distinti composti da tre tipi fondamentali (protoni, neutroni ed elettroni) di particelle clononi indistinguibili. Un altro esempio dal punto di vista delle strutture organizzate sono i livelli di oloni che progressivamente portano dal livello individuale a quello globale:


Holon, as mentioned previously, refers to a whole, which is often comprised of clonon parts or sets of clonon parts. Holons themselves can become clonons of even greater wholes. The idea of holons (in contrast to indistinguishable clonons) is that holons are functionally and structurally distinct parts on the level of a holarchy. Holons are like organs, on different scales of wholes. Thus the body’s holons are heart, lungs, brain, and so forth, which themselves are composed of many clonons, the relatively indistinguishable heart cells, liver cells, and so forth.


  • In science: a planet, a solar system (made of holons-planets that become clonons of the solar system), an atom is a holon of three fundamental types of clonon particles, atoms become clonons of larger holon molecules, etc.
  • In architecture and design: buildings, a community, etc.
  • In art: subjects, figures formed from points or strokes, a sculpture, etc
  • In social sciences: a concept, a community or society, an action holon of component clonon actions, a family, a class of students, etc.
  • In other senses: a wall or fence, an archway made of stone clonons, a gang or clique, etc.


The Pattern Underground

il secondo anello del Tao

Dopo l'epilogo descritto nel quarto libro, l'entrata nel nagual gettandosi dalla cima di una montagna, con il quinto inizia un nuovo ciclo dei racconti di Castaneda, sempre più distante ed alieno dai suoi iniziali "resoconti del lavoro sul campo".


Una brulla e piatta cima di montagna, sul versante occidentale della Sierra Madre, nel Messico centrale, fu il teatro dei mio ultimo incontro con don Juan e don Genaro e coi loro apprendisti - miei colleghi - Pablito e Nestor. Quel che lassù avvenne fu di tanta solennità e di tale portata da non lasciare, in me, alcun dubbio: il nostro apprendistato era giunto al termine, e non avrei davvero più rivisto i due maestri, don Juan e don Genaro. Alla fine difatti ci dicemmo addio; quindi Pablito e io ci gettammo insieme, a capofitto, dalla vetta in un abisso.
Prima di quel salto nel vuoto, don Juan mi aveva predetto tutto ciò che mi sarebbe poi successo. Secondo il 'principio fondamentale' che allora mi espose, io - in seguito al tuffo nell'abisso - sarei divenuto pura percezione, per andar e venire di continuo dall'uno all'altro dei due intrinseci regni dei creato: il 'tonal' e il 'nagual'.
Durante quel volo nel vuoto, la mia percezione subì diciassette successivi rimbalzi dal tonal al nagual e viceversa. Quando rimbalzavo verso il nagual, sentivo il mio corpo disintegrarsi. (Non che avessi pensieri e sensazioni del tipo ordinario, logico e coerente; e tuttavia riuscivo - in qualche modo - a pensare e sentire.) Quando invece rimbalzavo nel tonal ritrovavo la mia unità. Ero intero. La mia percezione era coerente. Avevo visioni precise, in cui tutto era in ordine. Visioni d'una tale intensità - così vivide e reali, ma insieme così vaste e complesse - che non son mai riuscito a darne una spiegazione soddisfacente. Dire ch'erano visioni, nitidi sogni o magari allucinazioni non vale, affatto, a chiarirne la natura.
Dopo aver esaminato e analizzato, con la massima cura, le sensazioni percepite durante quel tuffo nell'abisso e le interpretazioni datene, giunsi al punto di non poter credere, razionalmente, che esso fosse avvenuto. Eppure, una parte di me era convinta, ostinatamente, che il volo era avvenuto per davvero.
Don Juan e don Genaro non sono più a mia disposizione; e la loro assenza ha determinato, in me, un bisogno urgentissimo: il bisogno di far luce e aprirmi un varco nel folto di contraddizioni apparentemente insolubili.
Tornai dunque nel Messico per vedere Pablito e Nestor e farmi aiutare da loro a risolvere i miei conflitti. Ma ciò in cui m'imbattei durante il viaggio non può esser definito altrimenti che un assalto finale contro la mia ragione, un attacco concentrico - architettato dallo stesso don Juan - per demolirla. I suoi apprendisti - da lui teleguidati - abbatterono infatti in pochi giorni, con precisione metodica, l'ultimo baluardo della mia ragione. In quei pochi giorni mi rivelarono uno dei due aspetti pratici della loro stregoneria: l'arte di sognare, ch'è appunto il tema della presente opera.
L'altro pratico aspetto della loro stregoneria è l'arte dell'agguato; ed essa - che rappresenta il culmine degli insegnamenti di don Juan e don Genaro - mi fu esposta nel corso di successive visite; quest'arte è, di gran lunga, il momento più complesso del loro essere al mondo in qualità di stregoni.

sottosistemi del Tao - III

Fotografia ravvicinata di un dettaglio di Salvador Dalì, La persistenza della memoria, 1931
Il terzo sottosistema per un modello sistemico della coscienza esaminato da C.T. Tart, dopo l'estero-interocezione e l'elaborazione degli input, è la memoria:



The Memory subsystem is concerned with information storage, with containing residues of past experiences that are drawn upon in the present. Memory is thus a large number of semipermanent changes caused by past experience. We can think of memory as structures, presumably in the brain (but perhaps also in the body structure), which, when activated, produce certain kinds of information. And we should not assume that there is just one Memory; there is probably a special kind of memory for almost every subsystem.
Conventional psychological views of Memory also often divide memory functioning into short-term or immediate memory, medium-term memory, and long-term memory. Short-term memory is the special memory process that holds information about sensory input and internal processes for a few seconds at the most. Unless it is transferred to a longer-term memory, this information is apparently lost. Thus, as you look at a crowd, searching for a friend's face for a short time, you may remember a lot of details about the crowd. Then you find your friend's face, and the details about the crowd are lost. There is no point in storing them forever. This short-term memory is probably an electrical activity within the brain structure that dies out after a few seconds: no long-term structural changes occur. Once the electrical activity dies out, the information stored in the pattern or in the electrical activity is gone forever.
Medium-term memory is storage of from minutes to a day or so. It probably involves partial structural changes as well as patterns of energy circulation. You can probably recall what you had for breakfast yesterday morning, but in a few days you will not remember the contents of that meal.
Long-term memory involves semipermanent structural changes that allow you to recall things experienced and learned a long time ago.
This division into short-, medium-, and long-term memory is of interest because these kinds of memories may be differentially affected during d-ASCs. At high levels of marijuana intoxication, for example, short-term memory is clearly affected, although long-term memory may not be. Thus, a marijuana user often reports forgetting the beginning of a conversation he is engaged in, but he continues to speak English. There is little more we can say about differential effects of various d-ASCs on these three kinds of memory, as they have not yet been adequately studied. They offer a fruitful field for research.
A most important aspect of Memory subsystem functioning in various d-ASCs is the phenomenon of state-specific memory. In a number of studies, subjects learned various materials while in d-ASCs, usually drug-induced, and were tested for retention of these materials in a subsequent ordinary d-SoC. Generally, retention was poor. The researchers concluded that things were not stored well in Memory in various d-ASCs. it is now clear that these studies must be reevaluated. Memory is specific. The way in which information is stored, or the kind of Memory it is stored in, is specific to the d-SoC the material was learned in. The material may be stored, but may not transfer to another state. If material is learned in a d-ASC and its retention tested in another d-SoC and found to be poor, the nonretention may indicate either an actual lack of storage of the information or a state-specific memory and lack of transfer. The proper way to test is to reinduce the d-ASC in which the material was learned and see how much material is retained in that state. State-specific memory has been repeatedly demonstrated in animals, although the criterion for the existence of a "state" in such studies is simply that the animals were drugged to a known degree, a criterion not very useful with humans, as explained later.
There is now experimental evidence that for high levels of alcohol intoxication there is definite state-specific memory in humans. It is an experimental demonstration of the old folk idea that if you lose something while very drunk and cannot find it the next day, you may be able to find it if you get very drunk again and then search. Experiential data collected in my study of marijuana users also indicate the existence of state-specific memory, and I have recently received verbal reports that laboratory studies are finding state-specific memory for marijuana intoxication. There also seems to be state-specific memory for the conditions induced by major psychedelic drugs.
State-specific memory can be readily constructed for hypnosis that is, state-specific memory may not occur naturally for hypnosis, but it can be made to occur. If you tell a hypnotized subject he will remember everything that happened in hypnosis when he comes back to his ordinary state such will be his experience. On the other hand, if you tell a deeply hypnotized subject he will remember nothing of what went on during hypnosis or that he will remember certain aspects of the experience but not others, this will also be the case when he returns to his ordinary state. In any event he will recall the experiences the next time he is hypnotized. This is not a pure case of state-specific memory, however, because amnesia for hypnotic experiences in the waking state can be eliminated by a prearranged cue as well as by reinducing the hypnosis.
Another excellent example of state-specific memory is that occurring in spiritualist mediums. A medium enters a d-ASC in which his ordinary consciousness and sense of identity appear to blank out for a time. He may report wandering in what may be loosely called a dreaming state. Meanwhile, an alleged spirit entity ostensibly possesses him and acts as if it has full consciousness. Upon returning to a normal state, the medium usually has total amnesia regarding the events of the d-ASC. The alleged spirit communicator, however, usually shows perfect continuity of memory from state to state.
I suspect that state-specific Memory subsystems will be discovered for many or most d-ASCs, but the necessary research has not been done. The kinds of state-specific memories may vary in completeness. The ones we know of now—from marijuana intoxication, for example—are characterized by transfer of some information to the ordinary d-SoC but nontransfer of other information, the latter often being the most essential and important aspects of the d-ASC experience.
Ordinarily, when we think of Memory we think of information becoming accessible to awareness, becoming part of consciousness, but we should note that we "remember" many things even though we have no awareness of them. Your current behavior is affected by a multitude of things you have learned in the past but which you are not aware of as memories. You walk across the room and your motion is determined by a variety of memories, even though you do not think of them as memories.
Note also that you can remember things you were not initially aware of. When you scan a crowd looking for a friend's face, you may be consciously aware of hardly any details of other faces, being sensitive only to your friend's. A minute later, when asked to recall something about the crowd, however, you may be able to recall a lot of information about it. For this reason, Figure 8-1 shows a direct information flow arrow from Input-Processing to Memory.
We store in Memory not only things that have been in awareness, but also things that were never much in awareness to begin with.
An interesting quality of information retrieved from Memory is that we generally know, at least implicitly, that we are retrieving memories. We do not confuse these with sensations or thoughts. Some kind of operating signal or extra informational quality seems to be attached to the memory information itself that says "This is a memory." There is an intriguing analogy for this. In the early days of radio, when a newscast tuned you in to a foreign correspondent, there was an obvious change in the quality of the audio signal, a change that you associated with a foreign correspondent broadcasting over a long distance on short wave. The sound was tinny, the volume faded in and out, there were hisses and crackles. This was a noninformational extra that became so associated in listeners' minds with hearing a real foreign correspondent that many radio stations resorted to the trick of deliberately adding this kind of distortion years later when communication technology had improved so much that the foreign correspondent's voice sounded as if he was actually in the studio. The added distortions made the listeners feel they were indeed hearing a faraway reporter and made the broadcast seem more genuine. Similarly, memory information is usually accompanied by a quality that identifies it as memory. The quality may be implicit: if you are searching actively for various things in your Memory, you need not remind yourself that you are looking at memories.
This extra informational quality of memory can sometimes be detached from memory operation per se. It is possible to have a fantasy, for example, with the "this is a memory" quality attached, in which you mistakenly believe you are remembering something instead of just fantasizing it. Or, the quality may be attached in a d-ASC to an incoming sensory perception, triggering the experience of déjà vu, the feeling that you have seen this before. Thus you may be touring in a city you have never visited and it all looks very familiar; you are convinced you remember what it is like because of the presence of the "this is a memory" quality.
When information is actually drawn from Memory without the quality "this is a memory" attached, interesting things can happen in various d-ASC. Hallucinations, for example, are information drawn from memory without the memory quality attached, but with the quality "This is a perception" attached.
Much of the functioning of the Sense of Identity subsystem (discussed later) occurs via the Memory subsystem. You sense of who you are is closely related to the possession of certain memories. If the "this is a memory" quality is eliminated from those memories so that they become just data, you sense of identity can be strongly affected.
Other variations of Memory subsystem functioning occur in various d-ASCs. The ease with which desired information can be retrieved from memory varies so that in some d-ASCs it seems hard to remember what you want, in others it seems easier than usual. The richness of the information retrieved varies in different d-ASCs, so that sometimes you remember only sketchily, and at other times in great detail. The search pattern for retrieving memories also varies. If you have to go through a fairly complex research procedure to find a particular memory, you may end up with the wrong memories or associated memories rather than what you were looking for. If you want to remember an old friend's name, for example, you may fail to recall the name but remember his birthday.
Finally, we should note that a great many things are stored in Memory but not available in the ordinary d-SoC. The emotional charge connected with those memories makes them unacceptable in the ordinary d-SoC, and so defense mechanisms repress or distort our recall of such information. In various d-ASCs the nature of the defense mechanisms may change or their intensity of functioning may alter, allowing the memories to become more or less available.

sottosistemi del Tao - II

Tao cromostrobico

British artist, physicist, and all-around science enthusiast Paul Friedlander produces kinetic light sculptures that provide a colorful feast for the eyes. Each piece in his body of work offers a visual medley of light and motion by rapidly rotating a piece of string through white light. The vibrating rope becomes invisible to the human eye, but colors from the light (which would normally be invisible to the naked eye) are revealed in rapid succession.

The scientific artist gives insight into the history of his career shift into the arts and explains the science in it all: "I decided to focus on kinetic art: a subject in which I could bring together my divided background and combine my knowledge of physics with my love of light. In 1983, at London's ICA, I exhibited the first sculptures to use chromastrobic light, a discovery I had made the previous year. Chromastrobic light changes color faster than the eye can see, causing the appearance of rapidly moving forms to mutate in the most remarkable ways."
Origin of String Theory

Paul Friedlander
Kinetic light sculptor: scientific artist

mercoledì 10 aprile 2013



Il mondo ebbe un principio
che fu la madre del mondo.
Chi è pervenuto alla madre
da essa conosce il figlio,
chi conosce il figlio
e torna a conservar la madre
fino alla morte non corre pericolo.
Chi ostruisce il suo varco
e chiude la sua porta
per tutta la vita non ha travaglio,
chi spalanca il suo varco
ed accresce le sue imprese
per tutta la vita non ha scampo.
Illuminazione è vedere il piccolo,
forza è attenersi alla mollezza.
Chi fa uso della vista
e torna ad introvertere lo sguardo
non abbandona la persona alla rovina.
Questo dicesi praticar l'eterno.

martedì 9 aprile 2013

quel Tao dentro di me

St. Mary Magdalene Church, Hucknall Torkard, Nottinghamshire, England

Controllo (Re di Spade)

Esiste un tempo e un luogo per il controllo, ma se lo poniamo a capo delle nostre vite, finiamo per essere totalmente rigidi. Questa figura è ingabbiata negli angoli delle piramidi che la circondano. La luce brilla e risplende dalle sue superfici lucenti, ma non penetra. È come se fosse praticamente mummificata all'interno della struttura che ha costruito intorno a sé. I pugni sono chiusi, lo sguardo è vuoto, quasi cieco. La parte inferiore del corpo, sotto la tavola, è a punta di spada, una punta tagliente che divide e separa. Il suo mondo è ordinato e perfetto, ma non è viva - non può lasciar spazio ad alcuna spontaneità o vulnerabilità. L'immagine del Re di Nuvole ci ricorda di fare un respiro profondo, allentare la cravatta e prendere le cose alla leggera. Se accadono degli errori, va bene così. Se le cose sfuggono un po' di mano, probabilmente è ciò che il dottore ha prescritto. Nella vita c'è molto, molto di più che avere tutto sotto controllo.

Le persone controllate sono sempre nervose, poiché in cuor loro è ancora nascosto un profondo subbuglio. Se non ti controlli, se fluisci, sei vivo, allora non sei nervoso. Non si pone il problema del nervosismo: ciò che accade, accade. Non hai aspettative per il futuro, non reciti, perché mai dovresti essere nervoso? Per controllare la mente si deve restare così rigidi e freddi da impedire lo scorrere nelle membra e nel corpo di qualsiasi energia vitale. Se permetti all'energia di fluire, quelle repressioni affioreranno. Ecco perché la gente ha imparato a essere fredda, a toccare gli altri senza toccarli veramente, a vedere le persone senza vederle. La gente vive in base a dei cliché: "Ciao, come stai?". Parole prive di significato che servono solo a evitare l'incontro tra due persone. Le gente non si guarda negli occhi, non si tiene per mano, non cerca di sentire l'energia dell'altro, non permette un vicendevole riversarsi nell'altro - terrorizzata, riesce a cavarsela appena, fredda e morta, chiusa in una camicia di forza.