mercoledì 30 aprile 2014

emergenza meta-Tao

La successiva metastruttura discussa da Tyler Volk e Jeff Bloom è l'emergenza, intesa come la proprietà caratteristica dei sistemi complessi - tipicamente quelli viventi - di produrre nuovi fenomeni non riconducibili alla somma delle proprietà dei singoli elementi:


Emergence refers to beginnings and to the arising of new themes and other patterns. Patterns can emerge out of seeming chaos, from cyclical patterns of self-generation, or from breaks or branching. The notion is a sense of some property or pattern arising at a new level of complexity.
from: J. Goldstein, Emergence as a construct: history and issues, 1969


  • In science: birth, mutation, Big Bang theory, weather pattern formation, new evolutionary lineages, plant growth on bare rock, speciation, star formation, etc.
  • In architecture and design: new design property, new design leading to unanticipated effect, spatial arrangements to allow for creative gatherings, etc.
  • In the arts: novelty, new techniques & materials, representations of emergence, etc.
  • In social sciences: new trends, city formation, new organizational patterns in social groups, argument formation, etc.
  • In other senses: insight, invention, etc.
M.C. Escher, Liberation, 1955, Lithograph


The Pattern Underground

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