lunedì 7 aprile 2014

meta-Tao webs

photo by Luc Viatour
La successiva metastruttura discussa da Tyler Volk e Jeff Bloom sono i webs - ragnatele, intese come reti di relazione a diverso livello - fisiche, biologiche, sociali, virtuali:


Webs are physical, biological, social, psychological, and virtual networks of relationships. Where spheres can represent a context, webs describe complex sets of interrelationships of a particular context. A complex lattice of tubes, like a sheet, can involve capture, support, or multi-directional movement. In sheets, such movement is within a plane, whereas movement in webs can become 3-dimensional. Webs also involve a sense of complex organization.


  • In science: spider webs, food webs, lattice-like structures in biological and physical forms, retae (network of blood vessels), endoplasmic reticulum, lattice structures of crystals, etc.
  • In architecture and design: beam structures in buildings, safety nets, etc.
  • In the arts: patterns, sculpture design, etc.
  • In social sciences: semantic webs, concept and context maps, hegemony, street layout in cities, social and political contexts, relationships in social and institutional organizations, matrices, etc.


The Pattern Underground

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